Sunday, August 28, 2011

Honda CR-Z

      The Honda CR-Z is supposed to be an evolved version of its predecessor the Honda CRX.  In the mid 80's up until 91, the Honda CRX  was known for its suspension, aerodynamics, and lite weight.  Not to mention the Si version with a multiport fuel injection set up on a 1.6 liter engine. Over time the Crx became one of the more sought after Hondas. Now with the CR-Z taking the CRX's place a good 20 years after Honda stopped producing them, there are some aspects of the CRX left untouched by the CR-Z.

       The most important aspect that the CR-Z does not cover is the Si model. Yes, Mugen has come up with many different styles for the CR-Z but, the biggest change that us CRX fans want, have not yet been seen.  The standard version and the Mugen version both are equipped with a Honda Fit engine. I would like to see an Si model sporting a K20 from the new Si Civics. The CR-Z does in fact have a great suspension set up, cool gauges and different driving modes at a push of a button on the dash. Nice 10" Sub-woofer in the back, looks just like a CRX on the inside with a back seat(sort of).  All the CR-Z needs now is a little more power.

      Don't get me wrong I would love to get my hands on the CR-Z.  At the same time just one more up grade would make the CR-Z another addition to Hondas Hall of Fame.

                                    And that's your new opinion because, that's what Chris thinks!
Hope you were entertained.
    Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Ok so my name is Christopher, I am 25 years old. I grew up in a family of race car drivers. Thanks to a step mom who thought it was dangerous and would not let me build a race car, I turned to street racing.  Hondas are my preferred choice of make and the CRX is my preferred model. I also love movies, games, and drawing. I declined a scholarship to Nossy College of Art to attend Nashville Auto Diesel College in 2004. After 3 months, I quit and didn't go back until September 2008. I got married in June 2009, and graduated College in 2010. I received my associate's degree in Auto & Diesel Technology in 2011. I am Currently a Diesel Technician for Travel Centers of America.

I decided to start blogging because I thought it would be fun.  I am trying to turn things that some people may find difficult to understand into something easier to grasp.  I will be blogging about all things I am interested in, as well as an occasional entry about glam, thanks to my wife's interests. Stay tuned for more blogs (that are definitely more interesting than this one!) for your entertainment!
